Credit Facility For MSMES

Date:11th May 2024
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Training Organization:Annapurna Finance Pvt. Ltd
Resource Person: Mr. Abhinav Raman


  • Enhance understanding of various credit facilities available to MSMEs.
  • Equip MSMEs with the knowledge and skills to assess their credit needs.
  • Provide insights into the application process and requirements for accessing credit facilities.
  • Foster awareness of the benefits and risks associated with different types of credit options.
  • Empower MSMEs to make informed decisions regarding suitable credit facilities.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities between MSMEs and financial institutions.
  • Support MSMEs in building strong credit profiles and improving their creditworthiness.

Topics to be Covered:

  • Introduction to Credit Facilities for MSMEs
  • Key parameters for acceptance of credit application
  • Assessing Credit Needs/Credit Score for eligibility
  • Overview of credit products for MSMEs