Credit must go to the young lady Trupti Sahu, who after her graduation and marriage, tried to help her parent’s large family. The family liabilities were increasing day by day, since, her father, who was in Govt Service, was the lone income earner for the family. Her family was frantically trying for a decent life. She made a resolve to start a business so that, with additional income, she would help in marriage of her four younger sisters, besides improving her own financial and social status.
Learning from different sources about the EDP training programme conducted by IED, she grabbed the opportunity and got herself trained in the programme. She started her production unit of plastic items with a project cost of Rs. 10 lakh, in Matiapara, Chaura Chhaka, Puri.
The Oriental Bank of Commerce, Puri approved her proposal and sanctioned a loan for Rs. 8 lakh. She procured automated machines by using the bank loan that can produce quality products (Homeopathy medicine bottles & moulded plastic items). She employs 8 male and 19 female workers, who help her in production and marketing of products. Through strict supervision and quality control, she easily sells her products and earns enough revenue to pay bills, carry out debt servicing and earn revenue of around Rs. 35,000/- p.m.
She has a vision to give employment to 100 needy persons by increasing the scale of her business to make a profit of Rs. 1 lakh p.m. She is a role model for girls in her locality.