She managed her household with financial difficulty. Her husband’s income from selling aluminum utensils was not adequate. With just a HSC certificate and no knowledge about business, she was feeling exasperated to think how to get out of this situation. At this juncture, one of her friends advised her that she has the necessary drive of an entrepreneur and she should try to embark on a career as an entrepreneur. After some initial inquiries, she applied for the EDP course at IED, Bhubaneswar. She was selected for the training. And that was the beginning of her career as an entrepreneur.

As she had some idea about utensils, she prepared a project proposal with the help of IED, accessed a loan of Rs 7 lakh from Vijay Bank, Puri and established her unit, Sri Hari Narayan Metal. She procured machinery, deployed skilled and semi-skilled workers and started producing utensils in her own factory.

Her husband helps her in marketing of products and collection of revenues. All her workers are very hard working and honest.
She supervises production as well as marketing activities. With strict supervision, output per worker is also very high. After loan servicing, payment to the workers and expenditure towards input supplies, she makes an earning of around Rs. 65,000/- per month. She has given employment to 7 persons. She is optimistic to enhance the business to a new high making an earning of more than Rs. 2.00 lakhs per month.